The Dick Harrison Trust
The objects of the Trust are to provide education and training by awarding grants for fees or maintenance to persons who are desirous of training (whether at an educational establishment or otherwise) in livestock auctioneering and/or rural estate management.
Support by way of financial assistance would take the form of books, equipment or grants towards travel arrangements.
Applications for support are invited from persons who meet the above criteria and who were born in Scotland or the Counties of Cumbria, or Northumberland, or who are (or whose parents or guardians are) at the time of the award resident in any of these places.
The Trust has charitable status with limited funds and can only support those people whose needs are greatest. Awards are made at the absolute discretion of the Trustees and submitting an application does not necessarily guarantee support.
Applications to the Trust can be made at any time of year although the deadline for an application in any year is the 31st November. Informal interviews are generally held in Carlisle in mid-December each year to fit with holiday periods. An application form is available to download